EasyJet Holidays – Nuisance signs

Portable speakers, drones, and social media poseurs have been named amongst the UK’s top beach annoyances, according to new research from easyJet Holidays.

To help tackle bad beach-behaviour this summer, the holiday company employed TV stars Michael and Hilary Whitehall as ‘Beach Rangers’.

In a poll the nation’s top 20 beach annoyances included; drones, portable speakers, raucous stag parties and social media poseurs.

The couple previewed a range of witty warning signs which are available to customers to download and display if they encounter any nonsense when abroad, so they can enjoy a brilliant holiday.

I was asked to create the warning signs for the project, which evolved from the look and feel of traditional British hazard signage, to a custom version in the colour way of EasyJet Holidays.


  • EasyJet Holidays

  • June 2024

A series of warning signs highlighting the nation’s top 20 beach annoyances!